South Pend Oreille Fire and Rescue responded to a structure fire at 9624 LeClerc Rd South on Sunday March 26th. Fire Chief Brad Martin was the first to arrive on scene and set up a Command Center.

There were over 10 First Responders from SPOFR along with 4 Fire Engines and 4 Fire Tenders responding to the structure fire.

Chief Martin called for mutual aid from neighboring districts and wishes to thank Fire District 4, Kalispel Tribal Fire, PUD, the Red Cross, Newport Fire, and the many volunteers from South Pend Oreille Fire and Rescue who responded to the structure fire.

The mobile home was completely engulfed on our arrival. “The two senior residents escaped safely before our arrival,” said Chief Martin.

According to the residents, the fire started in the kitchen and they were awakened by crackling noises. They had a smoke detector, but it did not alarm them.

The two senior residents have set up a *spotfund account at, *SeniorHouseFire9624LeClercRd, because all of their possessions were lost in the fire.

Published On: March 26th, 2023Tags: ,

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