Chief Shane Stocking’s Medical Mission Trip to Peru
From September 20th to September 29th, Chief Stocking participated in a medical mission trip to the Puno Region of Peru, specifically the city of Ayaviri, Peru. This was over his twentieth medical mission to Peru [...]
SPOFR Visits Stratton Elementary for Fire Safety Drill
This past week, South Pend Oreille Fire and Rescue visited Stratton Elementary School to attend their scheduled fire drill. While at the school, we talked to the Kindergarten classes and let them sit inside our [...]
Chief’s First Weeks: Exclusive Video Message
Chief Stocking shares his heartfelt thanks and highlights from his first weeks as SPOFR's chief in this video message.
Chief Stocking Expresses Gratitude
As your newly appointed South Pend Oreille Fire and Rescue Chief/Paramedic, I want to thank Mike Nokes for the time we spent together this past week before I officially came on board September 1st. Mike [...]
Chief’s Labor Day Message
As your newly appointed South Pend Oreille Fire and Rescue Chief/Paramedic, I am honored to be here with you this Labor Day Weekend. Our Team depends on our dedicated Staff and Volunteers working over this [...]
August 2024 Volunteer Spotlight
Michael Hines, Firefighter Michael Hines has been named South Pend Oreille Fire and Rescue’s Volunteer of the Month. He has been with SPOFR since November of 2023 and he has been a general contractor, disaster [...]