To the editor of the Miner

The intent of this letter is to support the Newport Fire Levy. The passing of the levy is vital to the sustainability of both Fire and EMS services in the City of Newport. Not only do the citizens of Newport deserve a proactive Fire Department for response, public education and maintenance and potential improvements on insurance ratings but the comfort of knowing that Paramedics and EMTs will be en route to your home during medical emergencies. The current ambulance service has been doing a great job in serving Newport and the outlying areas, however, they plan on closing their doors soon. This Levy will help continue both fire prevention and support Emergency Medical Response.

I encourage you to vote “YES” on November 7th.

Brad Martin, Fire Chief

South Pend Oreille Fire and Rescue

Rick O’Brien
Public Information Officer
Published On: October 20th, 2023Tags:

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